Nutrition – Assignment #4

Training Topic Healthy Diets
Total Marks 10
Pass Marks  05


The purpose of this assignment is to enhance the understanding of the participants regarding healthy diets, principles of healthy diets, and recommended food groups. 

What are the benefits of healthy diets and principles of healthy diets? Malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and recommended dietary allowance. 

A healthy diet provides an adequate amount and variety of nutritious and safe foods to cover (but not exceed) a person’s energy and nutrient needs. Unhealthy diets now pose a greater risk of morbidity and mortality. Please explain the followings; 

  • Benefits of Healthy Diets?
  • Changing trends, consciousness regarding healthy diet intakes, and how Pakistan can improve the nutrition with the help of agro-based industry?

Write down your answers in a document and upload down below