Nutrition – Assignment #8


Training Topic The Food System
Total Marks 10
Pass Marks 05
  1. Purpose

The purpose of this assignment is to enhance the understanding of the participants regarding;

Basic understanding of the components of the food system, nutrition outcomes across the food system, challenges in the food system, food system actors, and their responsibilities and opportunities in the food system.

The Food system actors represent the largest group of natural resource managers in the world. They are critical in both creating problems and implementing the solutions. Identifying actors within the food system as well as where and how power is located enables policymakers to develop management approaches targeted towards those actors with influence. Our Food Processing Facility has an essential Quality Control department, that is testing Food safety and nutrition quality for the benefit of the consumers. Please specify the main responsibilities of the following actors in maintaining food safety and nutrition systems; Please specify at least 3 major roles in the following categories; 

Role of Food Companies, retailers, and food businesses?

Role of Consumers?

Role of Government’s?

Write down your answers in a document and upload down below