Food Safety
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Food Safety is considered of paramount importance and cross-cutting activity within globally recognized food safety parameters to mitigate the risks in supply chain management ensuring compliance with relevant regulations for protecting consumers’ rights and maintaining sustainable businesses. Food Safety issues can be addressed by improving the understanding regarding regulatory requirements, risk management strategies, and capacity building of the operational and managerial personnel involved in effective supply chain management. The industry must respond to the international best practices and adapt them for their effective supply chain management. Food Safety measures are linked with; GAP: Good Agricultural Practice; GDP: Good Distribution Practice; GHP: Good Hygiene Practice and GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice. For Pakistan, the Pure Food Ordinance of 1960 consolidates and amends the law concerning the preparation and sale of foods. It aims to ensure the purity of food being supplied to people in the market and, therefore, provides for preventing adulteration. In addition to other provisions, under section 22(2), the sale of food or beverages that are contaminated, not prepared hygienically, or served in utensils that are not hygienic or clean is an offense.
1Learning OutcomesText lesson
By completing this session, the participants will understand and express the impact of food safety and quality on human health, critical concerns, and trends in food safety and nutrition.
2Introductory Video on Food Safety and Nutrition.Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Learning Outcomes" before accessing it.
3Slide DeckSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Introductory Video on Food Safety and Nutrition." before accessing it.
Food and its impact on human
Concerns and trends in food safety and nutrition quality
Economic burden of Food Safety and malnutrition
State of food security and nutrition in the world
Recent trends in malnutrition
The food value chain and the nexus between food safety & quality, nutrition, and health
The potential impact of food safety and Quality on SMEs
Food Fortification and supplementation
Opportunities in food safety and nutrition
Opportunities for SMEs to promote the product and services
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Connecting food systems diets, health
5Module Quiz # 1Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Download Material" before accessing it.Food Safety and Quality Awareness
6Learning OutcomesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Module -1: Overview of Foods Safety and Nutrition Quality" before accessing it.
By completing this session, the participants will understand the importance of Basic Concepts in Food Safety and Quality and the enhancement of product quality.
7Basic Concepts of maintaining Food Safety and QualitySorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Learning Outcomes" before accessing it.
hazards analysis and critical control points.(HACCP)
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By the end of this session, the participants will be able to define food safety and identify key risks and hazards associated with food safety and quality
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10Module Quiz # 2Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Download Material" before accessing it.Relationship between Food Safety, Quality, and Nutrition.
11Learning OutcomesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Module - 2: Basic Concepts in Food Safety and Quality" before accessing it.
By completing this session, the participants will be able to grasp the importance of Food Safety and Management Systems including GMP and the certification process
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Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Food Certifications
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- Key elements of Food Safety
- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - HACCP
- Principles of HACCP
- Regulatory requirements of HACCP
- FSMS as per HACCP
- Management Commitment
- Benefits of HACCP
- Food Safety Certifications
- What is GMP
- Factors affecting GMP
- Certification Process
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15Module Quiz # 3Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Download Material" before accessing it.Food Hazards, Contamination, Control
16Learning OutcomesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Module - 3: Principles of (FSMS)" before accessing it.
By the end of this session, the participants will exhibit an understanding of traceability and traceability procedures to get customers' confidence and ensure a sustainable business. The SMEs with traceability have advantages over those who do not have that system in place.
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- What is Food Traceability
- Why do buyers ask for Traceability?
- Standards enabling Traceability
- Using Bar codes
- Traceability Intro in Pakistan
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19Module Quiz # 4Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Download Material" before accessing it.Food-Borne Diseases, Causes, and Control
20Learning OutcomesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Module - 4:Traceability" before accessing it.
By the end of this session, the participants will be able to strategize their business options in a competitive market to deliver better products for the satisfaction of consumers.
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- SMEs strategies to achieve FSMS
- Challenges faced by SMEs in the adoption of FSMS
- Adoption of FSMS requirements
- Tips to Improve Food Safety Performance
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23Module Quiz # 5Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Download Material" before accessing it.Training topic: Maintaining Ideal Temperature to avoid spoilage?